Dr BR Ambedkar Jayanti Celebrations at GTIS
On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti, a special assembly was conducted in Global Talent International School on Thursday 13th April 2023. Respected Principal ma’am lighted lamp and offered flowers to Ambedkar sir photo. Students from Grade 9 from Global Talent International School gave brief introduction to students regarding the life history of Ambedkar. Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti is an annual festival celebrated on 14th April to commemorate the memory of B. R. Ambedkar. He was an Indian polymath and civil rights activists.He was born on 14th April 1891 . He is known for his fight against the social evil of untouchability and the inequalities posed by the caste system in India. Our Principal, “Mrs. Vidhyut Sahare” ma’am encouraged students to stand for knowledge and fulfill our duties towards the country. Ma’am inspired students by enhancing confidence and dedication towards our better lives.